Thursday, October 3, 2024

Update On My Last Post

 I may have been premature in my last post about a small Georgia contractor being crushed by a Workers Comp Shock Audit. We've figured out how to reduce this audit by just enough to keep them in business, when combined with our negotiating on their behalf to work out a payment plan for the remainder of the audit.

Mind you, it's still quite a large bill--hence the need to work out a payment plan. But the client feels that, with the reductions we can produce, the remaining audit bill can be handled, if we can work out a reasonable payment plan.

My son and partner here, Scott Priz, who is also a talented and resourceful attorney, is going to handle correcting the audit and negotiating a payment plan. He's extremely good at both. So it looks like we'll be able to help this Georgia small business stay in business, albeit with a painful bill to still handle.

But it's better than what I initially feared would be the case.

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